Designing with a Be Well mindset
Understanding how to maximize your space and surface area when planting can increase your yield. Knowing how plants work together, who's a friend and who's a foe, keeps your garden more productive and fruitful. Understanding how food impacts your body by providing nutrients to help optimize your bodies function can support improved health. Using the resources you have to create an easy to manage and accessible space are important for keeping costs down and considering your impact on the environment. These are just some of the things to consider when designing your garden.
To get you started, I've included a companion planting guide to help guide your plant choices. Once you fill out my form I will email you to set up time to talk about your garden design & plan. I built this companion planting guide for my students several years ago by cross referencing several sources. I usually give credit to sources in materials I provide, but his has been added to multiple time over the years and I did't keep track. Use it to support your plant placement.
To get you started, I've included a companion planting guide to help guide your plant choices. Once you fill out my form I will email you to set up time to talk about your garden design & plan. I built this companion planting guide for my students several years ago by cross referencing several sources. I usually give credit to sources in materials I provide, but his has been added to multiple time over the years and I did't keep track. Use it to support your plant placement.